The Mane Attraction

Sure it wouldn’t be a “new year, new start” if you didn’t get itchy follicles (like itchy feet, but in the hair department!) So I’m partaking in another common female activity for New Year (also applies to being newly-single)…

The haircut! And I don’t mean just any old trim, I mean a full-blown RESTYLE. This is a big thing for me. Hair is my main, nay, my only accessory (since I wouldn’t know where to start buying jewellery or hats or whatever is en vogue these days). I’m also a Leo and it’s supposedly a character trait, if you like that kind of thing.

Now I’m not adverse to “going all out” in the hair stakes. The way I see it, what’s the worst that could happen? Sure it’ll grow back! And I’ve made a little montage of my wig over the last 4 years to prove it:

My many hairstyles

I’ve been a blonde (at school), I had the mohawk with the pink streak (rebellious university student), I did the fringe, I had long extensions (wannabe-WAG phase), then I went for the classic bob, bravely followed by the “Frankie from the Saturdays” and now the “in-betweener”.

Currently, I haven’t dyed my hair in 5 years. I haven’t had it cut in (too) many months. I have also pulled one too many grey stragglers out in a desperate bid to stave off having to dye it regularly in order to disguise my badger-like head as that of a young woman’s. This leaves me at the too-long-split-ends-dreary-colour phase. It’s also taking valuable minutes in the morning to make presentable for the public. Valuable minutes when I could be sleeping!

And since Keira Knightley has the same face shape as me (lucky girl that she is) I’m thinking of doing a “Keira” and feeling the wind beneath my ears again. I’ll post a picture when I’ve done the deed.

Keira Knightley short hair

And by that I mean paid a professional to do it.


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